Creative Commons – Authors and Artists Application

Creativity and creative expression come in many forms and formats to enrich our lives and communities. Often, it is simply a matter of following a dream or passion. This space is dedicated to sharing, discovering, and celebrating the unique stories and accomplishments of authors, artists, and dreamers of all types. 

Check back for new posts or stay updated on our social media platforms. 

Do you know someone who has an interesting creative story or background who’d like to share? Send them a link to this page.

Have a post you’re interested in creating for this space? Fill in the form below to get started.

P.S. We love having you follow us on our social media outlets and love it, even more, when you share us with others on your own 🙂

Share Your Work

Welcome and thank you for your interest in joining our community by sharing your creative endeavors. Please complete all of the requested fields and remember that the more detail you share the more readers will learn about you, your business, or your journey as an artist or creative contributor.

    Click the following to agree to the terms for posting:

    • I certify and can verify that the information provided is accurate and that Enceladus Literary LLC has my permission to share this information on its website.

    • I understand that compilation of this form does not guarantee the content will be posted by Enceladus Literary LLC.

    • I understand that Enceladus Literary LLC will not publish any material linked to pornographic content, hate speech, or is plagiarized or fraudulent.