Our services fall into two primary categories: Hosting and Consulting.
Why host your books with Enceladus Literary?
- Your work remains yours. Unlike traditional publishers we do not want to own your ISBN, which limits both you and the options you have for marketing your work(s). If you do choose to host with us you will agree to keep your work(s) posted with us for a given period of time but this will not limit you if you want to create your own author’s site or pursue print publication.
- Everyone wins! Strength in numbers does matter. With Enceladus Literary the more authors and variety we have to offer the more people will have an opportunity to look at both you and your work(s). In short, it’s cost effective marketing, and who doesn’t like that?
- Room to Grow: You may be a literary beacon but still have a lot to learn about the business side of being an author. No problem. Since your work remains yours then hosting with us gives you exposure while you fine-tune your business model and build your own outlets for reaching your readership. P.S. We’ll still host your materials even after you’ve got it all together if you like.
What will you publish?
General fiction, romances, sci-fi, Westerns, horror, adventure, children’s, young adult, non-fiction, autobiography, poetry, play and film scripts (please have all scripts copyright protected before they are posted). If your subject’s genre is not listed here contact us to verify it is something we would be interested in hosting.
Disclaimer – While Enceladus Literary is dedicated to either helping new authors establish themselves or providing an outlet for previously established authors, we do have certain standards in what we will publish. If your material is riddled with grammatical errors or promotes any type of hate speech, or is pornographic, we are not interested in it.
How long will my material stay posted on the Enceladus Literary site?
It depends on what type of service contract you apply for/agree to:
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 12 months
- 2 years
- Indefinitely
Can I add additional material?
Absolutely. Say you submit an ebook and several months later decide you’d like to add an audiobook or print-on-demand (POD) version you have created, no problem. However, since this will require additional hosting resources you will need to contact us to arrange both the space requirements and payment for the additional hosting needs.
Do I need to pay you a percentage of my sales?
No. Host with us and any of the money you make off the sales of your books is yours. You pay the hosting fee and that is all!
What can you do for me?
To be honest, it depends on what you need to effectively reach your audience. We try to craft our consulting services to fit your needs based on your history within the publishing world, goals as an author, and current trends in marketing.
Basic Consulting Services:
- Learn more about ISBN #s (International Book Standard Number) and what they mean to you as an author.
- Learn about copyright.
- Marketing basics- what are some of the tools available to help me reach my audience?
- Layout aide for ebook or audio files.
- Design elements, why they matter.
- Dynamic ebooks- ready to enhance your reader’s experience with your work(s). Learn how you can take them beyond the text.
- Ebook to print/ Print-on-Demand (POD) process.
- A general Q&A session for publishing and book creation related questions. We cannot issue legal advice but if you are interested in learning more about the process and resources available if you wish to pursue ebook, POD, or audiobook publication this is the service for you.
- Editing info- what to know, consider before you publish. Also can provide a basic reading service if you would like some general feedback about your work(s).
- Project development – have a writing project you’d like to discuss or that you’re not sure where it’s going? Let’s talk.
Contact us regarding the costs of either hosting or consulting services.