Autographed Books Available

  I’d like to take a moment to thank Cindy Lyttle and the Pickerington Barnes & Noble store for hosting me for an author event last week. They have been truly wonderful partners and very supportive of indie authors and regularly host writers and hold events on a variety of subjects.  If you are local, … Read more

First Author School Event

    Thank you so much to the students and staff (especially Karen Sewell) for inviting me today to take part in their young author’s writing conference at Central College Christian Academy.  It was wonderful to play a small part in so many young writers’ journeys as they work on crafting their own short stories … Read more

Reflections on Barnes & Noble Event

For months, my mind has been fixated on April 15th, 2015.  No, not because of taxes but because I had the opportunity to stand before the public at my first author event.  I’m used to speaking in front of people as part of my regular job but this felt different.  As an author a great … Read more