National Poetry Month 2017 Review

Thank you to everyone who followed Enceladus Literary’s April 2017’s Celebration of Poetry. I had a lot of fun picking various authors, revisiting or discovering new authors and works, and sharing five original works by poet Mark Low. If you missed any of the social media posts (Twitter – @peteplanisek  or on Facebook), you can … Read more

National Poetry Month 2017

Enceladus Literary is going to celebrate National Poetry Month by proudly releasing four original poems by poet Mark Low each Saturday throughout the month of April. You can find both his new works and previously published poems here. Also check out Pete Planisek’s Facebook author’s page or Twitter (@peteplanisek) as he shares a variety of … Read more

5 easy writing exercises

Stuck without a muse?  Creative spirit gone on vacation? At times all writers experience moments of doubt, laziness, or disinterest in their efforts.  We make excuses as to why we’re not working on a story but some times, lets face it, we need a break.  Other projects catch our eye; we want to go on … Read more